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C. S. Mitchell and M. P. Backlund, Tight information bounds for spontaneous emission lifetime resolution of quantum sources with varied spectral purity, Phys. Rev. A, 108, 023712 (2023).

C. S. Mitchell and M. P. Backlund, Quantum limits to resolution and discrimination of spontaneous emission lifetimes, Phys. Rev. A, 105, 062603 (2022).

Prior to UIUC:

D. B. Bucher, D. P. L. A. Craik, M. P. Backlund, M. J. Turner, O. Ben Dor, D. R. Glenn, R. L. Walsworth, Quantum diamond spectrometer for nanoscale NMR and ESR spectroscopy, Nature Protocols, 14, 2707-2747 (2019).

M. P. Backlund, Y. Shechtman, R. L. Walsworth, Fundamental precision bounds for three-dimensional optical localization microscopy with Poisson statistics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 023904 (2018).

M. P. Backlund, P. Kehayias, R. L. Walsworth, Diamond-based magnetic imaging with Fourier optical processing, Phys. Rev. Appl. 8, 054003 (2017).

T. J. Lampo, S. Stylianidou, M. P. Backlund, P. A. Wiggins, A. J. Spakowitz, Cytoplasmic RNA-Protein Particles Exhibit Non-Gaussian Subdiffusive Behavior, Biophys. J. 112, 532-542 (2017).

M. P. Backlund, A. Arbabi, P. N. Petrov, E. Arbabi, S. Saurabh, A. Faraon, W. E. Moerner, Removing orientation-induced localization biases in single-molecule microscopy using a broadband metasurface mask Nature Photonics, 10, 459-462 (2016).

M. P. Backlund, R. Joyner, W. E. Moerner, Chromosomal locus tracking with proper accounting of static and dynamic errors, Phys. Rev. E, 91, 062716 (2015).

M. P. Backlund, R. Joyner, K. Weis, W. E. Moerner, Correlations of three-dimensional motion of chromosomal loci in yeast revealed by the double-helix point spread function microscope, Mol. Biol. Cell, 25, 3619-3629 (2014).

A. S. Backer, M. P. Backlund, A. R. von Diezmann, S. J. Sahl, W. E. Moerner, A bisected pupil for studying single-molecule orientational dynamics and its application to three dimensional super-resolution microscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 193701 (2014).

M. P. Backlund, M. D. Lew, A. S. Backer, S. J. Sahl, W. E. Moerner, The role of molecular dipole orientation in single-molecule fluorescence microscopy and implications for super-resolution imaging, ChemPhysChem, 15, 587-599 (2014).

A. S. Backer, M. P. Backlund, M. D. Lew, W. E. Moerner, Single-molecule orientation measurements with a quadrated pupil, Opt. Lett. 38, 1521-1523 (2013).

M. D. Lew*, M. P. Backlund*, W. E. Moerner (*equal contributions), Rotational mobility of single molecules affects localization accuracy in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, Nano Lett. 13, 3967-3972 (2013).

A. Gahlmann, J. L. Ptacin, G. Grover, S. Quirin, A. R. S. von Diezmann, M. K. Lee, M. P. Backlund, L. Shapiro, R. Piestun, W. E. Moerner, Quantitative multicolor subdiffraction imaging of bacterial protein ultrastructures in three dimensions, Nano Lett. 13, 987-993 (2013).

M. P. Backlund*, M. D. Lew*, A. S. Backer, S. J. Sahl, G. Grover, A. Agrawal, R. Piestun, W. E. Moerner (*equal contributions), Simultaneous, accurate measurement of the 3D position and orientation of single molecules, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109, 19087-19092 (2012).

C. J. Hastings, M. P. Backlund, R. G. Bergman, K. N. Raymond, Enzyme-like control of carbocation deprotonation regioselectivity in supramolecular catalysis of the Nazarov Cycilization, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 123, 10758-10761 (2011).